A short film
Last year, I was approached by an online gallery on the West coast of Ireland to make a short film about my creative practise. It is a glimpse into my life as a jeweller and how my environment influences and inspires my designs.
A short film about Lucy Spink Jewellery, the places she loves and the things that inspire her creative practise.
My jewellery speaks of the details of our natural environment and the deeply rooted human connection to landscape. I hope that each piece feels as precious as that pebble you curl your hand around and slip into your pocket as a reminder of a glorious day at the beach or the little feather you find on a dappled path a push into the fibres of your jumper as you wander along, your mind swooping and soaring overhead.
A still taken from the film, a quote from the voice over talking about why I do what I do and what my hope is for my work.
The film was made over a long day, we started early to get that beautiful morning light, the dimpsy light, and we worked all through the day over 3 different locations including my garden and studio. It was a very strange feeling, to be filmed. It’s not my favourite or most comfortable place but I am really happy with how this short film has come together and I hope you enjoy watching it.
I love watching other makers films as it gives a beautiful window into their worlds and their practise and a sneaky peek of their studios which so often are private places that we never see. R & A Collaborations have done some beautiful ones if you search for them and if you are inspired to see more by watching my little film!