Crafts Council and Precious?
Crafts Council Profile
I have been a member of the Crafts Council for a number of years now and keep an up to date list of articles on there which have been written about my work. Recently I have been featured on the Breakthrough website along with Lynne Speak for the exhibition Precious? and on Issuu as part of a collective of Cornish makers whose work is being taken to Chicago to the British Consular.
Work being sent to Chicago this month
Yellow lichen on hawthorn brooch
Sycamore lichen brooch
4 lichen brooches on copper backs
The Precious Collective started over a year ago now and was the brain child of Lynne who is an art jeweller in Cornwall. She asked 3 makers to join her, I was one of the lucky ones, and we have just finished the first international collaboration of members showing work in Plymouth to much critical acclaim. The next show, which I have also been asked to exhibit at, is in Lille at the end of June 2019 and I am so excited about this, my first exhibition outside the UK. I will send more details out once I receive them. The work for these shows has been a joy to create and I have really had fun with pushing my boundaries and exploring the limits of materials. I have moved to copper and silver for the Lichen Brooches because I love the way copper changes over time and the idea of a transformative piece of jewellery. As the lichen starts to decay, the copper can be opened up so you can replace the twig with your own treasuresI love the idea that I am creating small sculptures which can be worn close to the body and carried with you, wherever you go. As someone who walks in the countryside and sees the changes in the seasons at close quarters, I want to remind people that our natural environment is Precious.